SAE2P (Student Association of English Education Department ), also known as “Seitupi,” is the student association of the English Education Department at FKIP Universitas Mataram. It was established on November 7, 2015, through the merger of two previous student organizations: STATEMENT (Student Association of English Department) and SPEC (Department English Community).
Based on the Student Activity Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Universitas Mataram, SAE2P’s main duties and functions include:
• Organizing activities that foster academic development within the Department.
• Facilitating student activities within the Department.
• Proposing work programs to the faculty through the Student Executive Board (BEMF) after receiving approval from the Head of the Department (Kaprodi).
• Carrying out program activities after obtaining approval from the Kaprodi.
• Providing suggestions and feedback to the Head of the Department or Department, and/or the BEMF.
• Coordinating with the BEMF when organizing activities.
• Submitting activity accountability reports to the faculty leadership through the Kaprodi and BEMF.