By Published On: October 24th, 2024Categories: Uncategorized0 CommentsViews: 37

The Chemistry Seminar is one of the events organized by the Chemistry Education Student Association (HMPS P. Kimia) of FKIP, University of Mataram. This seminar aims to provide insights into the field of chemistry and inspire both students and the public to proactively develop and support research and education in chemistry. In addition, it serves as a bridge between scientific research and scientific communication, while also promoting the advancement of chemistry. Through this seminar, it is hoped that participants will gain a deeper understanding of the latest developments in the field of chemistry and establish cooperation and collaboration with experts in the area. The seminar featured Dr. Yunita Arian Sani Anwar, S.Pd., M.Si. as the main speaker and was held in conjunction with the skill lab competition, which is also one of the work programs of the education department. This skill lab competition was organized to broaden knowledge in chemistry research. It was aimed at high school (SMA/MA) students across the West Nusa Tenggara province (NTB) and university students from various campuses on Lombok Island. The seminar and skill lab competition were held in the auditorium of Building D, FKIP, University of Mataram, on Saturday, October 12, 2024. The theme of the event was “Enhancing Knowledge and Developing Scientific Skills Through Chemistry Competitions for a Golden Generation.” The goal of the skill lab competition was to build relationships with schools and universities in Lombok, increase the prominence of the university, faculty, and study program, and recognize the achievements of high school students and university students from Lombok. The event consisted of several series of activities, starting with a technical meeting on October 10, 2024, followed by a pre-test, lab work, and post-test on October 12, 2024, culminating in the announcement of the winners on the same day.
Here are the winners of the 2024 Skill Lab Competition:

Juara Siswa:

Juara I: SMAN 1 Mataram

  • Mallynda Azmi
  • Putu Ivana Anggie Sandyasta
  • Made Auryn Prameswari Sandi

Juara II: SMAN1 Mataram

  • Ini Baiduri Rusadi
  • Shilvia Novicha Silitonga
  • Naufal Arya Dharmaputera

Juara III: SMAN 5 Mataram

  • Dimas Farelino Alfanzani
  • Muhammad Zaky Abid Arochman
  • Marita Triwidawati Pangestu

Juara Best Team Work: MAN 2 Mataram

  • Lalu Wirabarkat Rasyidin
  • Ulfi Azkiyah
  • Putri Salsa Rahmaini

Juara Mahasiswa:

Juara I: Universitas Mataram

  • Syalifa Amalia
  • Risa Latul Qudsiah
  • Sofia Afsa Liza

Juara II: Universitas Mataram

  • Anisa Ismira Fatia
  • Erisha Alfiana
  • Gusti Ayu Made Swandevi

Juara III: UIN Mataram

  • Baiq Melinda Syahrani
  • Nazma Amalia
  • Viki Nihayatus Sa’adah

Juara Best Team Work: Universitas Mataram

  • Dina Safira
  • Zulfa
  • Tari Susilaningsih

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