Mataram, August 26, 2023 – Briefing of PKM Technical Guidelines for PNBP Funding has been carried out in FKIP UNRAM. The event was held in the Senate Conference Room, 3rd floor Building A FKIP UNRAM.
The event began with remarks from the Dean of FKIP UNRAM, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D. In his remarks, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli thanked all the committees who had played an active role in organizing the event. He emphasized the importance of making students as individuals who are “outstanding“, with positive values reflected in everyday attitudes and behaviors. In addition, he also underlined the importance of having principles in education, research, and service. Lecturers are also expected to provide good guidance to students in completing research and reporting tasks. Drs. He also encouraged students to actively read to enrich their skills and knowledge. A good attitude in interaction is also considered an important aspect.

Furthermore, the opening of technical material related to PKM PNBP FKIP UNRAM was delivered by WD3, Dr. Muh. Makhrus, M.Pd. In his presentation, he informed that for 2023, FKIP UNRAM managed to upload 90 PKM proposals to the Learning and Student Affairs Agency (Belmawa), with 15 proposals successfully passing the selection. Dr. Muh. Makhrus also shared important information related to PKM PNBP in FKIP UNRAM.
Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Susilawati, M.Si., provided technical material related to PKM PNBP FKIP UNRAM, with moderator Bagdawansyah Alqadri, S.Pd., M.Pd. The material provided a deeper insight into the implementation of PKM PNBP at FKIP UNRAM.
The event ended with the hope that this briefing will provide a better understanding to students and lecturers regarding the implementation of PKM PNBP Funding at FKIP UNRAM. All participants are expected to apply the knowledge gained to improve the quality of research and community service.
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