Mataram, August 30, 2023 – Students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), University of Mataram (UNRAM) made another proud achievement by winning second place in the Tilawatil Qur’an Competition at the National Sports and Arts Week (Disporseni). The competition organized by the Open University took place on August 28-29, 2023 in Jakarta.

In the Group Tilawah competition, which was attended by more than 80 participants from 70 universities throughout Indonesia, FKIP UNRAM students succeeded in showing excellence in reading and tajweed of the Qur’an. The harmonious collaboration between FETT students and UNRAM’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) contributed greatly to this achievement. Students who came from FKIP as follows:
1. Baiq Rufaida Agustina (E1E019063) PGSD Study Program
2. Eka Putra Hariadi (E1C020048) Pend. Indonesian Language and Literature
3. Aulia Cahyani (E1A021072) Pend. Biology

The UNRAM Group Tilawah Team performed exceptionally in the final round, mesmerizing the judges and the audience with a performance that exuded solemnity and exemplary. Sharp and purposeful reading, as well as deep mastery of tajweed, made UNRAM the center of attention on the competition stage.

Dean of FKIP UNRAM, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si. Ph.D., felt very proud of the achievements of their student team. “This achievement is proof of the commitment and dedication of UNRAM students in developing academic and religious potential. We believe that character building through recitation of the Qur’an is also an important part of education in higher education,” said the Dean.

The collaboration between FETT and FEB UNRAM in forming the Tilawah Berkelompok team shows the collaborative spirit between faculties to achieve excellence. This achievement further strengthens UNRAM as an educational institution that focuses not only on academics, but also on the development of religious and cultural values.

The achievement of FETT UNRAM students in the National Level Tilawatil Qur’an Disporseni Competition is expected to inspire other students to participate in activities that build character and develop their potential. Congratulations to the UNRAM Tilawah Berkelompok team for this brilliant achievement, hopefully this achievement will continue to provide motivation for UNRAM students to continue working and achieving in various fields.

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Media Relations FKIP University of Mataram