Mataram, August 30, 2023 – Muhamad Hendi, a student of Mathematics Education FKIP UNRAM, achieved a brilliant achievement by winning third place in the National Science Olympiad in Mathematics. The competition held online preliminary rounds through the Microsoft Teams platform, followed by Semifinal and Final rounds held in Tangerang on August 26-27, 2023.
In the online preliminary round, Muhamad Hendi or Hendi as he is called has shown brilliance in solving complex math problems. He made it to the Semifinals with an excellent score, competing with the best participants from all over Indonesia.
Hendi’s achievements were further enhanced when he won third place in the Semifinals and Finals in Tangerang. His success is due to his dedication, practice, and knowledge of mathematics.

Figure 1. Hendi poses for a photo at the competition
The Dean of FKIP UNRAM, where Hendi studied, congratulated the students for their achievements. "Muhamad Hendi's achievement is clear evidence that our students have tremendous potential in science and math. We are proud of his achievement, and we hope this will inspire other students to pursue similar achievements," said the Dean.
Hendi himself felt very grateful for this achievement and thanked his lecturers who had provided support and guidance during the preparation for the National Science Olympiad. He hopes this achievement can be the start of many great achievements in the future.
Hendi's achievement in the 2023 Mathematics National Science Olympiad is a proud achievement for himself, the university, and Indonesia. Hopefully this success can have a positive impact and inspire the younger generation of Indonesia to love science and make brilliant achievements at the national and international levels.