Mataram, September 8, 2023 – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of the University of Mataram has held a Yudisium event for the Master and Bachelor Programs for the September period on Friday, (08/09/2023). This was the first graduation in the 2023/2024 academic year.
At the beginning of this lively Judicium ceremony, the atmosphere at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Mataram University was filled with the spirit of nationalism, when all attendees sang the national anthem “Indonesia Raya” and also the Mars FKIP UNRAM. This spirit-filled atmosphere became the foundation for a very meaningful event. Then, the important stage of the ceremony continued with the reading of the Decree of the Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram No. 5919/UN18.F5/HK/2023 concerning the Judicium for the September period for students of the Masters Program and the Undergraduate Program for the 2023/2024 Academic Year. The reading of this decision letter is an official sign of recognition of student achievement, and this is entrusted to the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra, M.Sc. The event then continued with the participation of the Heads of Departments, namely Dr. Amrullah, S.Pd., M.Pd (Head of Language and Arts), Muhammad Tahir, S.Pd., M.Sn. (Head of Education Science), Dr. Ahmad Harjono, S.Si., M.Pd (Head of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), and Drs. M.Ismail, M.Pd. (Secretary of the Social Studies Department) who also read the decree, marking a historic moment in the educational journey of FKIP graduates at Mataram University.

Figure 1. The Dean of FETT gave an award to one of the best graduates in the September graduation period (Syifa Miftahul Amalis, S.Pd.)
The total number of students who graduated in September 2023 was 176, of whom 31 achieved Cum Laude degrees, indicating outstanding academic achievement. The average study period of the graduates is about 54.92 months, showing their perseverance and commitment in pursuing higher education. In addition, the graduates' average Grade Point Average (GPA) reached 3.75, reflecting the high quality of their education and their hard work during their studies. This data shows that FETT Universitas Mataram continues to present graduates who are ready to contribute to the world of education and society.
In his inspiring speech, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., as the Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, sincerely congratulated the participants of the Judicium period September 2023. He underlined the importance of self-preparation to face the challenging real world, inviting all graduates to fill life with positive things and leave negative things as the key to success. In his expression of gratitude, Dean Zulkifli honored all those who have provided valuable support to the graduates, including campus officials, lecturers, and education personnel. He also said that sometimes pressure is needed to create the ideal atmosphere that encourages growth. Furthermore, the Dean invited the graduates not to forget to thank the people who have contributed, especially the parents who have provided support up to this stage. He encouraged graduates to continue their higher education if possible, both domestically and internationally, and emphasized that no one can direct our lives but ourselves. Therefore, collaboration and good communication are key to accelerating target achievement. The Dean hoped that all graduates would be ready to face the challenges of the future and apologized for any shortcomings that may have occurred during their service. The Dean's remarks inspired the entire audience and gave the graduates strong motivation to succeed in the future.
In an inspiring speech, Syifa Miftahul Amalis, S.Pd., the best graduate of the September 2023 period with a GPA of 3.88 from the Sociology Education program, humbly shared her message and impressions with the entire audience. She reminded that every individual has different difficulties in their educational journey and expressed her deep gratitude to all those who have helped and facilitated their journey at FKIP Universitas Mataram. Syifa also thanked all the lecturers who had provided guidance and knowledge to them throughout their study journey. Although she paused for a moment while reading her message, she encouraged her fellow students to never protest against the process and remain grateful for the perseverance they have shown to date. With optimism, Syifa inspires all to pray for greatness in the future and follows with "See you on the top, guys," hinting at the hope that all will reach the pinnacle of success. She ended her message with a strong encouragement to aspire as high as the sky, because even if we fall, we will fall among the stars. This message brought encouragement and inspiration to the entire audience, motivating them to face the future with confidence and determination.
This Judicium Ceremony marks an important milestone for the graduates and is a true testament to their hard work and dedication. FETT Universitas Mataram extends its sincere congratulations to the graduates and wishes them success in their future endeavors.
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