Mataram, September 15, 2023 – Guest lecture with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman, a distinguished lecturer from Monash University, has been held by the Chemistry Education Study Program of FKIP Mataram University. The event was held on September 15 in a hybrid format. This interesting lecture, titled “Design Thinking: Design Thinking: What Teachers and Students Need in Solving a Problem?”, discussed innovative pedagogical approaches to improve the problem solving skills of students and student teachers.
This event took place in the Hall Room of FKIP Building A, Mataram University. The hybrid format, facilitated through Zoom Meeting, allowed for seamless participation from around the world, with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman connected live from Australia to share her valuable insights.

Figure 1. Dean of FETT (Drs. Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D) gave a speech at the guest lecture with Dr. Gillian Kidman.
The event started with a warm welcome from the Dean, who expressed his gratitude to the Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman for her presence and expertise. The Dean encouraged participants to stay focused and emphasized the importance of the topic for both educators and students, highlighting its potential as an academic research area. He also expressed his hope for future cooperation and officially opened the event.
The moderator of this event was Dr. rer.nat. Lalu Rudyat Telly Savalas, S.Si., M.Si., whose expertise and guidance ensured the smoothness and productivity of the event throughout the guest lecture. The presentation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman's presentation on "Design Thinking" captured the audience's attention. Her presentation not only covered the essence of design thinking, but also illustrated how this approach can benefit teachers and students in tackling complex problems effectively. The lecture was interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions, completing tasks given by the speaker, and asking thought-provoking questions.
The event not only facilitates a dynamic exchange of ideas, but also creates a platform for educators and students to explore innovative approaches to solving problems in education. Expertise Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gillian Kidman left a memorable impact on all participants, spurring a spirit of curiosity and exploration.
The unique collaboration between the Chemistry Education Study Program of FKIP Mataram University and Monash University reflects a commitment to improving education through global knowledge sharing. As we look to the future, we hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange to improve educational practices.
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