Mataram, September 25, 2023 – The 42nd Anniversary of FKIP Universitas Mataram was successfully held with a series of interesting events with the theme “Togetherness of the Academic Community of FKIP UNRAM in Forming Professional Human Resources.”
This celebration was held on Saturday, September 23, 2023, with the main event held at the Parking Lot Building A, FKIP University of Mataram. This celebration will be an opportunity for students, lecturers, alumni, and invited guests to celebrate the history and achievements of FKIP UNRAM, which is 42 years old. The event will be decorated with various entertainment performances, including Rudat Dance performed by students of SMAN 7 Mataram, and dance performances presented by students of the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) FKIP UNRAM. In addition, there is also a healthy walk that will engage all participants in a spirit of togetherness.

Figure 1. Dean of FETT (right) and Chairman of the committee (left) gave a speech at the 42nd Anniversary of FETT URNAM.
During this celebration, there were exciting door prizes for lucky attendees. Not only that, the event was also enlivened by public lectures delivered by prominent alumni of FKIP UNRAM, who shared their experiences and insights into the world of education and achievements. All of this created an unforgettable experience in the 42nd anniversary of FKIP UNRAM.
The celebration began with the report of Dr. Muh. Makhrus, M.Pd., Chair of the organizing committee, who gave an inspiring overview of the various competitions held and the significance of this year's Anniversary theme.
Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., Dean of FETT UNRAM, with passion and wisdom, utilized this moment to provide deep insights into the glorious history of FETT and raise awareness of the significance of this historic anniversary celebration. In his speech, he highlighted the great achievements that FETT UNRAM has accomplished throughout its journey, while also inviting all present to reflect on the profound meaning of togetherness in achieving a common goal in education.
H. Adi Pranajaya, Chairman of the FKIP UNRAM Alumni Family Association (IKA), with passion and concern, underlined the important role of FKIP UNRAM alumni in the process of nation building. He emphasized that collaboration between alumni and educational institutions is a strong foundation to create superior human resources with integrity, and to realize the ideals of better national development. Prof. Dr. Sukardi, M.Pd., Vice Rector II of UNRAM, sharply highlighted the significance of unity in the context of a dynamic academic organization such as FKIP UNRAM. In his insightful view, he illustrated how a strong spirit of unity and cooperation can be the key to the success of an educational institution.
The highlight of the 42nd anniversary celebration was the joyful moment when awards were presented to the winners of various competitions. These moments are not only the highlight of the event, but also an invaluable time to give well-deserved appreciation to individuals and teams who have shown outstanding achievements. The winners accepted the awards with proud smiles and a great sense of accomplishment, which provided inspiration to all present. Each award presented is not just a physical object, but also a sign of respect for the hard work, skill, and dedication they have invested in the preparation and execution of the competition.
As a festive finale, the day was graced by the drawing of door prizes that were eagerly awaited by the participants. The moment of the draw not only puts a final, joyous touch on the festivities, but also brings out a strong element of anticipation and excitement among all those present. Excited tension engulfed the audience as they waited for the announcement of the winners, and smiles of happiness broke out as the lucky names were announced. This door prize is not just a physical prize, but also a symbol of appreciation and gratitude to all participants who have participated in the healthy walk event, as well as enlivening the atmosphere of the 42nd Anniversary celebration of FKIP University of Mataram.
FKIP UNRAM is proud to have reached this remarkable milestone, and the 42nd Anniversary celebration is a testament to its commitment to excellence in education and professional human resource development.
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