Mataram, April 5, 2024 – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education(FKIP) of the University of Mataram(UNRAM) held a Judicium for the February and March 2024 Period on Thursday, April 5, 2024, in the 3rd Floor Hall of FKIP UNRAM Building A. The event was attended by dean officials, including Deans and Vice Deans, Heads of departments, and Heads of Study Programs, as well as all judicium participants.
An atmosphere full of enthusiasm and happiness colored this graduation event. Beginning with singing the Indonesia Raya song and Mars FKIP University of Mataram, the judiciary participants then listened to the reading of the judicium decree for the February and March 2024 periods. The reading of the decree was carried out by WD 1 Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra, M.Sc., and continued by the Head of the department or Secretary of each department.
The Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., in his speech congratulated all graduates for completing their studies. He also reminded the graduates that this stage is a gateway to a harder and more challenging life.
“Everything is 100% in your hands, you have to believe in it,” Dean Zulkifli said. He gave some tips to achieve success, including setting the intention straight, improving skills related to information and communication technology, and balancing prayer and effort.

A speech from one of the students, Anggio Pana from the PGSD Study Program, represented the voices of all judicium participants. Anggio told his story in pursuing education at FKIP UNRAM, with full struggle and unyielding spirit.
"I do not despair from the pain, because I believe that God knows the struggles of his servants," Anggio said. He also quoted a quote from BJ Habibie, "success is not owned by smart people, but owned by people who keep trying."
The Judicium for the February and March 2024 Period graduated 199 graduates from various study programs within FKIP UNRAM. Of these, 45 achieved a cum laude GPA.
The graduation ceremony ended with the reading of prayers and congratulations to all graduation participants. It is hoped that the graduates can continue to work and make a positive contribution to the nation and state.(ron)