Yogyakarta, 26 April 2024 – In a strategic move to elevate the quality of higher education, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Mataram (Unram) recently paid a visit to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This visit aimed to delve into the well-established and accredited quality assurance system implemented at FMIPA UNY, as well as to prepare for the reaccreditation of 11 study programs within FKIP Unram.
The FKIP Unram delegation was warmly welcomed by the Dean of FMIPA UNY, who highlighted the faculty’s success in maintaining high standards in higher education, with all its study programs achieving superior accreditation and gaining international recognition. This insightful commentary served as a source of inspiration and motivation for FKIP Unram in its pursuit of enhancing educational quality and reputation in the region.

During the engaging interaction, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at FKIP Unram outlined the purpose of their visit, which was to gain in-depth knowledge of the evaluation and management review meeting systems employed at FMIPA UNY. The primary focus of the visit was to understand the evaluation process and the effective management review meeting format that contributes to maintaining and enhancing educational quality.
Furthermore, this visit was also aligned with the preparation for the reaccreditation of 11 study programs at FKIP Unram. One crucial aspect of the accreditation criteria is the demonstration of benchmarking experiences related to quality assurance by study programs and faculties. Consequently, this visit served as a strategic step towards fulfilling accreditation requirements and elevating educational quality at FKIP Unram.
The collaboration between FKIP Unram and FMIPA UNY exemplifies a tangible instance of inter-university cooperation in the endeavor to elevate the quality of higher education in Indonesia. It is anticipated that this visit will yield mutually beneficial outcomes and contribute to the advancement of education in the nation.(sap)