Mataram, April 26, 2024 – UNRAM ‘s Master of Basic Education (Pendas) held a Scientific Article Writing Workshop on Friday morning at the Hall of FKIP Unram Building A. This event is an important moment to hone skills and spark a research culture among academics.
Unlocking the Gates of Scientific Writing Ethos
The Head of the Magister Pendas UNRAM program opened the event by emphasizing the significance of ethos in scientific article writing, urging participants to elevate their skills. A palpable sense of anticipation filled the air, eager to absorb valuable knowledge and experiences from the esteemed speakers, akin to inspiring endorsements.

Surpassing National Boundaries, Thriving on the International Stage
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Widiana, M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Education at Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, invigorated the audience with brilliant ideas. He proposed a multitude of activities to enhance article writing quality, including discussions with experts and regular workshops. Moreover, he advocated for cross-national collaborations to broaden the horizons of knowledge. Dean Widiana underscored the importance of excelling not only at the national level but also in the international arena when evaluating educational quality.
Sharpening Pens, Penetrating the Reputable Journals
Dean of FKIP UNRAM, Drs. H. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., expressed his appreciation for the participants' enthusiasm. He encouraged them to refine their intentions, strengthen their resolve to publish in reputable journals, and cultivate a sense of dissemination. Dean Zulkifli stressed the importance of progressing through stages, starting with enhancing the quality of scientific article writing.
Unveiling the Secrets of Reputable Journals
The event continued with presentations by renowned experts. Prof. Dr. I Wayan Widiana, M.Pd., elucidated Scientific Article Writing Techniques from the perspective of a reputable journal editor. Dr. Gunawan, M.Pd., imparted technical guidance, tips, and tricks for crafting scientific articles for publication in top-tier journals.
Exploring the World of Knowledge with Sharp Pens
The Scientific Article Writing Workshop on Reputable Journals at Magister Pendas UNRAM proved to be an invaluable experience for the participants. Their enthusiasm and passion shone brightly, ready to hone their skills and produce high-quality scientific work. May this event serve as an inspiring catalyst to continuously explore the world of knowledge through sharp and scientific pens.(roni)
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