Mataram, 13 May 2024 – University of Mataram(Unram) has just appointed 6 new Permanent Professors, and 3 of them are Professors at FKIP adding extraordinary strength to the progress of science and technology in Indonesia!
Prof. Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.Si., Prof. Dr. I Wayan Karta, MS., dan Prof. Dr. Dra. Darmiany, M.Pd. are the new Professors at FKIP Unram.
They have extraordinary expertise! 3 Professors from FKIP Unram have extraordinary expertise, Prof. Syukur focuses on Ecology and Coastal Management for the economic sustainability of Lombok’s coastal communities; Prof. Karta optimizes student growth and development through the implementation of Authentic Assessment in New Paradigm Learning, Prof. Darmiany meningkatkan perilaku akademik melalui Experiential Learning. and Prof. Darmiany improves academic behavior through Experiential Learning.

The Rector of Unram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., is proud of this achievement. He emphasized that this inauguration was not the end, but the beginning of greater work and dedication to the nation and state. He also said that the number of Unram Professors continues to increase, from 54 in 2021 to 97 in 2024. This is one of the important factors that led Unram to be ranked 19th in the Best State Universities in Indonesia according to the QS World University Ranking, making it one of the 3 the best university in eastern Indonesia.
Unram keeps moving forward! With 4 main programs, namely accelerated Unggul accreditation, the Key Performance Indicators (IKU) achievement program, towards World Class University, and PTN-BH, Unram is ready to become an internationally competitive research university and on par with advanced universities in Indonesia. (ron)