Mataram, 10 Juni 2024 – Dr. Chusni Hadiati, Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), conducted monitoring and evaluation (monev) of students participating in the Independent Student Exchange (PMM) program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Mataram (Unram). This activity, which took place on June 10, 2024, aimed to monitor the academic and social progress of students from FIB Unsoed attending lectures at FKIP Unram. The visit was warmly received by FKIP Unram’s Dean, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., and Vice Dean I, Dr. Saprizal Hadisaputra. In addition to evaluating the academic activities, this meeting also aimed to strengthen the cooperation between the two educational institutions.
During the visit, Dr. Chusni Hadiati, along with FKIP Unram representatives, held in-depth discussions regarding the academic and social progress of students from FIB Unsoed. These students are enrolled in the Undergraduate Program in Indonesian Language Education at FKIP Unram. The discussions covered various aspects of learning, including the teaching methods applied and assessments of student participation and academic performance. Additionally, the social aspects affecting students’ learning experiences, such as cultural adaptation and interaction with local students, were also a focus of the evaluation. This comprehensive approach aimed to ensure that students gained a holistic and valuable learning experience during their participation in the PMM program.

Source: Humas FKIP
Besides discussing student progress, the meeting also included follow-up talks on the collaboration between FKIP Unram and Unsoed Purwakarta. One key point discussed was the plan to sign a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the two institutions. This PKS is expected to provide a strong foundation to enhance collaborative relations in various fields, including academics, research, and community service. One primary focus of this cooperation is achieving Key Performance Indicator (IKU) 2, which involves improving the quality of education and the relevance of graduates to the needs of the job market. With the PKS, it is hoped that the collaboration between FKIP Unram and Unsoed will result in significant positive impacts for both institutions.
The signing of the PKS is also anticipated to support the Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The MBKM program aims to provide students with the freedom to learn outside their main study program, with the hope of enhancing their competencies and competitiveness. With closer cooperation between FKIP Unram and Unsoed, it is expected that students will gain various benefits, including opportunities to participate in exchange programs, internships, and collaborative projects that can enrich their learning experiences. Ultimately, this collaboration is expected to make a meaningful contribution in preparing young generations to face global challenges in the future.(fu)