Mataram, July 9-10, 2024 – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Mataram has just held a workshop entitled “Embracing Global Opportunities, Nurturing Global Changemakers” which took place in the Sri Mataram Ballroom at Lombok Plaza Hotel. The event was organized by the Business Development and Cooperation Group (GPUK) of FKIP Universitas Mataram with the main objective of compiling a handbook and internationalization program for the faculty.
The two-day workshop was solemnly opened by the Chairman of the Committee, Ahmad Junaidi, M.A, Ph.D. In his report, the Chairman of the Committee said that the main purpose of this internationalization workshop was to produce products in the form of draft handbooks and websites that focus on providing international quality facilities at the University of Mataram. This product will later be used as promotional material, both directly and digitally.

The Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, in his speech, gave high appreciation to the organizing committee. He hopes that the results of this activity will be as expected, namely the achievement of a draft handbook and website that will be used for promotion at events such as the upcoming joint conference. The Dean also emphasized the importance of introducing local culture and tourism to the international world through programs with the theme of local wisdom. In addition, a website equipped with two languages will facilitate access for potential partners and students from abroad.
"With the increase in international cooperation, we must be supported by integrated promotional tools. Hopefully this activity can produce innovative ideas that can raise the name of the University of Mataram in the global arena," he said while officially opening the event. The event then continued with a prayer together. This workshop presented the main speaker, Prof. Akhmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D., Head of the International Affairs Office of the University of Education Indonesia (UPI). Prof. Akhmad provided material on curriculum overview as well as strategies for preparing and implementing international programs. On the first day, the participants received material exposure and participated in intensive discussions. The second day was filled with further discussions and group work for each study program to develop a draft handbook and website. With the end of this workshop, it is hoped that FKIP Universitas Mataram can be better prepared to face global challenges and improve the quality of education that is internationally competitive.(ron)