Mataram, August 9, 2024 – University of Mataram (Unram) held a Professor Inauguration event in the Senate Session Room, 3rd Floor, Rectorate Building, University of Mataram.
The solemn event was attended by academics, university officials, and special guests.
On this occasion, six new professors were officially inaugurated, two of whom came from the University of Indonesia. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Unram. They are Prof. Dr. H. Nuriadi, S.S., M.Hum.(right), who was appointed as Professor in the field of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, and Prof. Dr. Aliefman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si.(left), who was appointed as Professor in the field of Chemistry Education. The event was also filled with scientific orations delivered by the two professors. Prof. Dr. Aliefman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si. delivered a scientific oration entitled “Application of Pure Science in Education: Project-based Natural Materials Chemistry Practicum on Isolation of Secondary Metabolites”.
Dalam orasinya, Prof. Aliefman memaparkan bagaimana pendekatan ilmiah dalam pendidikan dapat membuka peluang baru dalam produksi metabolit sekunder, yang memiliki beragam manfaat penting bagi dunia industri dan kesehatan.

Source: Humas FKIP

Source: Humas FKIP
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. H. Nuriadi, S.S., M.Hum.
delivered a scientific oration entitled "The Thought of Quaker Figures in the Struggle for Humanitarian Values (Human Rights) in the United States: An Interdisciplinary Literary Review".
This oration explored human values and human rights struggles fought by Quaker figures, which are relevant and inspiring in the context of human rights struggles in the modern era.
This inauguration is expected to have a positive impact not only for FKIP Unram, but also for the world of Indonesian education as a whole. The presence of professors with deep expertise and knowledge is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of science and education, as well as inspire the younger generation to continue to innovate and excel.(ron)