Mataram, September 17, 2024 – Great pride envelops the academic community of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), University of Mataram (Unram). One of its students, Putri Adellya, successfully passed the selection to take part in the XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 National Sports Week (PON) in the shooting sport. This student from the English Education Study Program not only brought the name of the campus, but also became a great hope for the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) to bring home a medal at the prestigious event.
PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 will be an arena of achievement for the best athletes from all over Indonesia, and Putri Adellya’s participation in shooting sports is one of the main highlights of FKIP Unram. Her participation in this national event is not only a source of pride for the faculty and the university, but also a clear proof that Unram students can excel outside the academic field.
FKIP Unram’s Full Support for Outstanding Students
The Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, Drs. H. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., expressed his support for Putri Adellya’s participation in PON XXI. According to him, Putri Adellya’s achievement is a tangible form of FKIP Unram’s commitment in supporting the development of students’ interests and talents in various fields, not only in education but also in sports.
“We are very proud of Putri Adellya’s achievement in qualifying for PON. This is proof that FKIP Unram students are able to compete at the national level, both in academic and non-academic fields. We hope Putri can make the best achievements and bring home medals for NTB,” said Lalu Zulkifli.

Journey to PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024
Putri Adellya is not a shooting athlete who appeared suddenly. The student who is currently in her seventh semester in the English Education Study Program has shown her interest in shooting since she was a teenager. Thanks to her perseverance, she began to participate in various regional and national shooting championships before finally successfully passing the selection to represent NTB in the XXI PON event.
"Since high school, I have been interested in shooting. I started learning from the basics and joined various local competitions. At first it was just for leisure, but I fell in love with the sport. Shooting taught me about calmness, concentration, and self-control, which are very useful in my daily life as well as in my studies at college," said Putri Adellya.
The journey to PON was certainly not easy for Putri. Besides having to train regularly and participate in various selection competitions, she must also be able to balance her obligations as a student and her commitment as an athlete. However, with support from family, friends, and the campus, Putri was able to do both well.
Great Expectations at PON XXI
PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 is expected to be an important momentum for Putri Adellya to present the best achievement. Her participation in shooting sports is a golden opportunity to show her ability and dedication in the field she has been working on for years. In addition, Putri also hopes that her experience in PON can be an inspiration for other fellow students at Unram.
"I hope I can give my best at PON this time. It's not just about winning or losing, but how we can give the best for the region and also the alma mater. Hopefully my participation can inspire other students not to hesitate to develop their talents, whether in sports, arts, or other fields," said Putri with enthusiasm.
Together with the shooting team from NTB, Putri has prepared herself carefully. Intensive training is carried out every day to prepare physically and mentally for the tight competition in PON. According to her coach, Putri is one of the athletes who has great potential to win a medal, given the consistency and calmness she has shown during training.
"We are optimistic about Putri's ability. She is a dedicated athlete and always wants to learn. I'm sure she can surprise us at PON," said Putri's coach.
Appreciation from FKIP Unram Academic Community
Support and appreciation for Putri did not only come from the faculty, but also from the entire Unram academic community. Many lecturers and fellow students provide encouragement and prayers so that Putri can excel in the PON event. Some students even planned to watch Putri's match live via streaming broadcast to provide moral support.
One of Putri's supervisors, Dr. Nurul Aini, M.Hum., expressed her pride for her student's achievement. "Putri is a highly dedicated student, both in academic and non-academic fields. I am sure her achievements in PON will motivate other students to not only excel in academics, but also pursue dreams in other fields," she said.
Hope for Medals and the Future
FKIP Universitas Mataram, as part of an educational institution that always supports the development of student potential, hopes that Putri Adellya can bring home a medal from PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024. This achievement will be proof that Unram students have great potential not only in the academic world, but also in the world of sports.
With all the preparations that have been made and the support that flows from various parties, we hope that Putri Adellya can give the best for NTB and Mataram University. The entire Unram academic community, especially FKIP, is eagerly awaiting the good news from Putri and all other NTB athletes at PON XXI.
"Win or lose, we are still proud of Putri. But of course, we hope to celebrate the victory together when she returns to campus," the Dean of FKIP concluded hopefully.