Lampung, May 2-5, 2024 – The University of Lampung hosted the 2024 Forum for Communication of State FKIP Leaders in Indonesia (FORKOM FKIP), an annual event that brings together leaders and representatives of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education from various state universities in Indonesia. One part of the series of events is the organization of several competitions, including the Scientific Writing Competition which is attended by delegates from all over Indonesia.
FKIP Universitas Mataram participated by sending delegates in various branches of the competition. One of the brilliant achievements was the 1st place in the English Debate Competition, which was successfully achieved by Asqhol Cahya Dinullah and Surni Ahyatul Fitri, FKIP Unram students. This victory emphasized the excellence of FKIP Unram in critical thinking and debating skills at the national level. In addition, in the Scientific Writing Competition in the Social Humanities category, two FKIP Unram students, Wawan Kurniawan and
Bq. Gina Sandika , won 3rd place, bringing pride to their faculty and university in this FORKOM event. The achievement in this competition shows the research and analysis skills of FKIP Unram students who are competitive in the national arena.

The Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., expressed his deep appreciation to all delegates, especially to Asqhol, Surni, Wawan, and Gina for their outstanding achievements. "We are very proud of this achievement. The students have demonstrated their intellectual quality and ability to compete at the national level. This achievement is expected to be a motivation for all FKIP students to continue working and innovating," he said.
The Dean also added his hope that this achievement would not only be a personal pride, but also be able to encourage FKIP Unram to continue to improve the quality of education and its competitiveness at the national and international levels. "Hopefully this will be a trigger for all FKIP academics to continue to contribute to education, research, and innovation development," he added. With this victory, FKIP University of Mataram further strengthens its position as a superior educational institution and is committed to producing competitive graduates, both in academic and non-academic fields, at the national and international levels.(thor)