Mataram, 11-12 October 2024 – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Mataram(Unram) held a field assessment for the Master of English Education Study Program. This activity is part of the effort towards superior accreditation for the study program, which is expected to further strengthen Unram’s position in the world of higher education. The assessment was attended by two assessors, Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi, M.A. from State University of Malang and Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The Rector of the University of Mataram in his speech emphasized the importance of accelerating superior accreditation in all Unram study programs. “Today all components of the rectorate and deanate are fully present. We strongly support the university and all its components to become superior through the acceleration of accreditation, which we have supported with a budget of billions of rupiah,” he explained. Furthermore, the Rector highlighted that one of Unram’s four main programs is to achieve superior accreditation. “However, the number of study programs with superior accreditation is still not ideal, so we emphasize to all study programs to work hard in achieving superior accreditation. We hope that the Master of English Education Study Program can add to the list of study programs with superior accreditation at Unram. May this be a field of charity for all of us,” he added.

Meanwhile, the assessors expressed their appreciation for the warm welcome they received. "We thank all of you for welcoming us so well. Hopefully the objectives to be achieved can be realized well," said Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi. This field assessment is an important stage in the accreditation process, which will determine the accreditation status of the Master of English Education Study Program. With this assessment, it is hoped that the study program can immediately achieve superior accreditation and contribute to improving the quality of education at the University of Mataram.(thor)