Mataram, October 19, 2024 – The National Seminar of FKIP University of Mataram with the theme Synergy of Students Answering Global Challenges Through a Transdisciplinary Approach: Innovation, Collaboration and Achievement in the Digital Era was successfully held. This big event was attended by approximately 70 speakers from various universities in Indonesia. Presenting in-depth discussions on increasing competence, knowledge, innovation and achievement to support sustainable development. The event was opened by the dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D. In his remarks he conveyed the importance of collaboration and student achievement to face global challenges and with an interdisciplinary approach. The Dean also emphasized that this national seminar is a place for students to improve competence and creativity. Through research and collaboration will build a culture of achievement for students. With this, students will be able to support the achievement of excellence in higher education. This National Seminar presented four main speakers from various universities in Indonesia and the World, namely:
- Rangga Arif Faresta, Monash University Australia
- Devi Mariya Sulfa, State University of Malang, Indonesia
- Trifosa Vianna Chrisi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
- Wawan Kurniawan, University of Mataram, Indonesia
The presentations were outstanding, with expertise from many different fields, the keynote speakers encouraged collaboration and synergy together and with an interdisciplinary approach to address global challenges.

This National Seminar was divided into two main sessions, namely the Plenary session and the Parallel Session. In this plenary session all participants were presented with presentations from keynote speakers from various fields and different universities, who shared their knowledge and experience in innovation, collaboration and synergy of achievement. In the parallel session, the speakers presented the results of their research and innovation which were divided into various major sub-themes, namely:
- Development of Interactive Learning Media and Teaching Materials
- Science learning and its application in education
- Social and Humanities
- Science and technology
- Language and linguistics
- Sports and arts and its application in education
- 21st century Education/Learning.
Through this parallel session, participants held in-depth discussions about each of these subthemes in discussing strategies to deal with global developments. Through an interdisciplinary approach to create synergy, collaboration and innovation towards achievement in the digital era. With synergy, the spirit of collaboration and achievement, this FKIP National Seminar is expected to become a platform for the development of new ideas and towards a brighter future. (irman)