Mataram – FETT Universitas Mataram (Unram) invites all academicians to join the 43rd Anniversary celebration which is full of surprises and the spirit of togetherness. With the theme “Synergy of FKIP Academic Community of Mataram University Towards Sustainable Excellence,” this year’s series of events is ready to enliven the month of November with various interesting activities and thanksgiving for the important achievements of FKIP Unram. The Dean of FKIP Unram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., gave full support and invited all elements of the academic community to participate in enlivening this event as a form of appreciation for the synergy and achievements that have been achieved together.
The excitement of the Anniversary will begin with various competitions held on November 8-22, 2024, including various sports and exciting activities that will compete for achievements between study programs. These competitions are expected to strengthen togetherness among students, lecturers, and employees, as well as a place to channel the talents and sportsmanship of each participant. This healthy and energetic competitive atmosphere is the perfect opening to celebrate togetherness at FKIP Unram.

On November 27, 2024, FKIP Unram will also hold a public lecture inviting alumni and students. This event is designed as a place to share inspiration, strengthen synergy, and instill values of excellence to the entire academic community. This public lecture is expected to motivate students and alumni to continue to develop and make a real contribution to the world of education.
The peak of the 43rd anniversary celebration will be held on November 30, 2024 with a series of main events that are lively and full of surprises. This peak event includes blood donation, beauty class, cooking demonstration, healthy walk, bazaar, door prize, and various special performances. Not only that, the peak of this event will also be filled with thanksgiving for FKIP Unram's extraordinary achievements, namely the success of several study programs in achieving superior accreditation and the opening of the S3 Doctoral Education Study Program which is a new milestone for the faculty. The head of the committee, Dr. Santi Farmasari, M.TESOL, who also serves as Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance, expressed her enthusiasm, "We want this anniversary event to be a momentum of togetherness and pride for FKIP Unram." The 43rd Anniversary of FKIP Unram this year is not only a celebration event, but also a form of appreciation for the synergy and commitment of all parties in developing the faculty towards sustainable excellence. All FKIP Unram academicians are expected to attend, enliven, and participate in a series of events that have been prepared for all of us.