Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of the University of Mataram (Unram) has once again shown its commitment in supporting the professionalization of educators through the preparation of the implementation of the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) Competency Test for Professional Teacher Educators (UKPPPG) Piloting III. An intensive coordination meeting involving the committee, exam supervisors, and national supervisors was held on November 15, 2024 at Lombok Garden Hotel, Mataram City. This preparation is an important step to ensure the smooth implementation of the exam which will be attended by 9,800 participants from various LPTK organizing PPG.
The Dean of FKIP Unram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., in his speech, appreciated the increase in the number of participants which indicated the success of Piloting I and II. He emphasized that this success must be taken with full responsibility. “The increase in the number of participants is a mandate that must be carried out with patience and professionalism. I hope all parties understand the procedure well and maintain the good name of our institution,” he said. The Dean also reminded the importance of cooperation and synergy of all parties to ensure the exam runs smoothly and in accordance with national standards.

UTBK UKPPPG Piloting III will be conducted online from November 18 to 21, 2024. The exam is divided into 12 sessions that will last for six days, with two sessions each day. The national supervisor, Dr. Makbul Muksar, S.Pd., M.Si., from the State University of Malang, explained that the technical implementation of the exam has been designed to minimize obstacles. "Optimal supervision is a key element in maintaining the credibility and quality of the exam. I believe that careful preparation will ensure that everything runs smoothly," he said.
The Coordinator of the Teacher Education Program in Position (PPG Daljab) FKIP Unram, Dr. Baharuddin, M.Hum., also expressed his appreciation for the hard work of the entire team who had played an active role in the success of Piloting I and II. He expressed optimism that Piloting III would also take place successfully. "Success is the tradition of FKIP Unram. With careful preparation, I am sure the implementation of Piloting III will meet the best standards," he said. A total of 82 supervisors have been thoroughly prepared to ensure each exam session runs according to procedure. FKIP Unram is committed to maintaining the credibility and quality of this exam implementation, while strengthening its role in supporting the quality of national education. The coordination meeting held is clear evidence that FKIP Unram continues to prioritize professionalism and responsibility in every step.(thor)