Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of University of Mataram held a 2024 Annual Meeting (RKT) as well as a 2024 Performance Evaluation on November 22-23, 2024 at The Jayakarta Lombok Beach Resort & Spa. The event was attended by faculty leaders, senate, lecturers, and administrative staff, with the main agenda of evaluating the achievements of 2024 and developing a strategic plan for 2025 to 2026.
The Chairman of the Senate, Prof. Drs. Mahyuni, MA, Ph.D., in his speech appreciated the outstanding performance achieved by FKIP officials during this period. He emphasized the importance of producing innovative and well-implemented programs to support the faculty’s achievements in the future. “We have achieved many things, but the challenges ahead require us to continue to innovate and improve quality so that the faculty’s vision can be realized,” said Prof. Mahyuni. The Dean of FKIP University of Mataram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., invited all participants to continue to be grateful for the various achievements of the faculty and encouraged each study program to focus on four main priorities: preparation towards a world-class university, readiness to face changes in status to become a State University with Legal Status (PTNBH), achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU), and superior accreditation. “We hope that in 2025 all study programs in FKIP can excel. With the direction that has been given, let us make this an inspiration to create excellent programs in the future,” he said.

The Rector of the University of Mataram, Prof. Ir. Bambang Hari Kusumo, M.Agr.St., Ph.D., in his direction, gave appreciation for the togetherness and strong cooperation in FKIP Unram. He emphasized that the superior accreditation program must continue until all study programs at the University reach this standard. "Our target is 60% superior study programs by the end of 2025, but we don't stop there. After that, we must move towards international accreditation, by ensuring the quality of research, teaching, and infrastructure continues to improve," he said.
The Rector also highlighted the importance of achieving PTNBH status, which requires a minimum score of 300 points. Currently, Mataram University has reached 319 points, but superior accreditation remains a major challenge. To support this vision, the Rector encouraged study programs in FKIP to accelerate internationalization programs, add doctoral study programs (S3), and improve the quality of research in order to contribute to world-class research. The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs reported on FKIP's achievements during 2024, where seven out of 15 excellent study programs at the University came from FKIP. To support international accreditation, the faculty has initiated curriculum changes and student exchange programs through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) scheme. In terms of finance, the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance noted that the realization of the 2023 budget had reached 88%, with plans to add PAGU for 2024 and 2025. The Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni conveyed the increasing achievements of FKIP students at the national level, as well as plans to develop cooperation with foreign institutions to support students' academic and non-academic activities. The meeting also highlighted the strategic plan for 2026, including increasing the number of excellent study programs, accelerating the achievement of professors and head lecturers, and developing centers of excellence. FKIP is committed to strengthening international collaboration through research and innovation, while improving the quality of graduates to be ready to compete at the global level. With the spirit of togetherness and hard work, FKIP Universitas Mataram is optimistic that it can face the challenges ahead and continue to contribute in producing a generation of superior and innovative educators.(thor)