Mataram – In a series of celebrations of the 43rd Anniversary of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of the University of Mataram, a public lecture with the theme “Leaders and Leadership with Character” was held on Tuesday, November 26, 2024. The event, which was attended by students, alumni, and the academic community, presented Adi Pranajaya, a well-known filmmaker, as a guest speaker.
The event was opened with a report from the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Muh. Makhrus, M.Pd., who said that this public lecture was part of a series of activities for the 43rd FKIP Anniversary. “This momentum is expected to inspire students and alumni to become leaders with character who are able to bring positive changes,” said Dr. Muh. Makhrus.
In his speech, the Dean of FKIP University of Mataram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., gave a deep message about the importance of being a person with character. “One’s life journey can never be predicted. Be a good listener, because attitude reflects the contents of the head. Take advantage of the material presented by the speakers, straighten your intentions, and utilize space and time wisely. Be a leader who is not only great, but also has a strong character,” said Drs. Lalu Zulkifli.

Dean Opens the Public Lecture Event. Source: Humas FKIP

Adi Pranajaya delivers a public lecture. Source: Humas FKIP
The public lecture was moderated by Prof. Dr. Gito Hadiprayitno, S.Pd., M.Si., who guided the event dynamically. Adi Pranajaya shared his life experiences, from a Sumbawa boy who dared to move to Jakarta to become a filmmaker who has made more than 90 movie titles. He also shared how he studied with cultural figures, attended film school for three years, and worked under the direction of legendary director Teguh Karya.
In his presentation, Adi Pranajaya reminded us that being a leader with character requires integrity, hard work, and consistency. "Don't be tempted by the seduction of dirty money, believe in yourself, keep learning, reading and writing. These are the foundations of becoming a leader who is not only successful but also respected," he said. The discussion was interactive, with many participants asking questions about tips and tricks to become a leader with character. The speakers enthusiastically answered the questions, providing inspiration and motivation to the participants to always develop and make a real contribution to the nation and state.
This activity ended with high enthusiasm from the participants, marking the success of the event that provided valuable insights and awakened the spirit of leadership among students and alumni of FKIP Universitas Mataram.(thor)