Yogyakarta, 3 December 2024 – The Student Organization (Ormawa) of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), University of Mataram (UNRAM) conducted a comparative study with the Ormawa of the Faculty of Education and Psychological Sciences (FIPP), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) on Monday, 3 December 2024. The activity, which aims to strengthen relationships and share experiences, took place in the Hall Room of FIPP UNY, Yogyakarta. The event began with a warm welcome from representatives of Ormawa FKIP UNRAM and Ormawa FIPP UNY, who emphasized the importance of collaboration between student organizations to improve the quality of activity management on each campus. In their remarks, both representatives hoped that this comparative study activity could be a place to exchange information and strategies in managing student organizations more innovatively and effectively.

Material Presentation and Discussion
The main agenda in this comparative study was the presentation of material related to student organization governance conducted by representatives of Ormawa FIPP UNY. The material presented covered various managerial aspects of the organization, including work program management, human resource development, and the application of technology in supporting the operations of student organizations. After the presentation, participants from both organizations continued the event with a very interactive discussion session. In this session, representatives of the FETT UNRAM Ormawa and FIPP UNY Ormawa shared experiences about the challenges they face, as well as creative ideas that can be applied to advance student organizations at the faculty level.
Mutual Expectations and Agreements
At the end of the event, both parties agreed to strengthen cooperation in the development of student organizations in each university. Hopefully, through this collaboration, both organizations can support each other in carrying out work programs that focus on improving the academic and non-academic quality of students. In addition, Ormawa FKIP UNRAM and Ormawa FIPP UNY also agreed to hold collaborative activities in the future, as a follow-up to the results of this comparative study. Both parties hope that this kind of collaboration can have a positive impact, not only for students, but also for the progress of both universities. This comparative study activity ended with the signing of the minutes as a sign of mutual agreement, as well as a group photo session as a memento of this precious moment. With the implementation of this comparative study, it is hoped that the synergy between Ormawa FKIP UNRAM and Ormawa FIPP UNY will be stronger, and able to produce programs that are beneficial for the development of student organizations in both universities.