Mataram – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of the University of Mataram held a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of PPG Teacher Candidates Phase 2 Year 2024 which took place on February 5 and 6, 2025 at the Lombok Plaza Hotel. This meeting discussed preparations for the implementation of the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG), including facilities, infrastructure, and the learning process on campus and partner schools.
The Chairperson of the Unram PPG Program, Dr. H. Dadi Setiadi, M.Sc., in his report said that the number of PPG Teacher Candidate Phase 2 in 2024 Semester 1 participants was 58 students from the English Education, Mathematics Education, and Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) Study Programs. This meeting aims to harmonize academic and technical preparations to support the smooth learning process. Therefore, this meeting also invited representatives of lecturers and teachers from PPG partner schools.
In the opening remarks, the Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Personnel, Santi Farmasari, S.Pd., M.Ed.TESOL., Ph.D., who represented the Dean of FKIP Unram, conveyed a message from the Dean who could not attend due to four important agendas on campus. “Mr. Dean sends greetings to all of us. Facilities and infrastructure have been well prepared, although there are still some obstacles that we continue to optimize,” he said.

He also added that the lecture schedule is being processed by the academic department and has not encountered any problems because currently regular lectures are still on vacation. However, it needs more attention when regular students are active again so that there is no schedule clash. "We hope that the Head of the Academic Work Team can help anticipate this potential obstacle," he added.
With this coordination, FKIP Unram ensures that the implementation of PPG Teacher Candidates Phase 2 in 2024 can run smoothly and effectively, both in terms of academic and administration.