By Dr. Amrullah, M.Pd.
Ramadan is a special month, the month in which the Qur’an was revealed as a guide for humanity. The Prophet ﷺ once said in a hadith:
“Whoever recites a single letter from the Book of Allah (the Qur’an) will earn a good deed, and each good deed will be multiplied tenfold. I do not say that ‘Alif Laam Miim’ is one letter, but rather Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter, and Miim is one letter.” (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
This hadith reminds us of Allah’s immense mercy upon those who read the Qur’an. Every letter we recite brings blessings, becomes a continuous source of good deeds, and will serve as an intercessor for us in the Hereafter. That is why Ramadan is known as the month of the Qur’an—a time when we are encouraged to read it more, reflect upon its meanings, and apply its teachings in our daily lives.

However, one of our greatest challenges today is encouraging the younger generation to develop a closer relationship with the Qur’an. In this era of rapid technological advancement and endless distractions, interest in reading the Qur’an often takes a back seat. Yet, the Qur’an is more than just a book to be read; it is a divine guide that leads us to the right path. Reciting it not only brings rewards but also illuminates the heart, dispels resentment, and brings peace to the soul.
A heart filled with the Qur’an is free from envy, hatred, and anger. On the other hand, a heart distanced from the Qur’an is easily swayed by worldly temptations and desires. Therefore, let us make this Ramadan a time to rekindle our love for the Qur’an—reading it with sincerity, contemplating its meanings, and passing its teachings on to the next generation.
May Allah guide us to always stay close to the Qur’an, make it a light in our lives, and allow it to intercede for us in the Hereafter. Ameen.
#AlQuranMonth #Virtues of ReadingQuran #Light of Heart #BenefitsAfterlife #KultumRamadan2025