By: Dr. Syaiful Musaddat, S.Pd., M.Pd.

In this blessed month of Ramadan, we are invited to reflect on an essential question: Who is the most honored in the sight of Allah? The answer has been revealed in the Qur’an—those who possess the highest level of piety (taqwa).

Allah states in QS Az-Zariyat (verses 14, 17, 18, and 19) that the reward for the pious is eternal bliss in paradise. However, He also describes three key habits of the people of paradise during their lifetime:

  1. They always wake up at the end of the night to make istighfar and draw closer to Allah.

  2. They always share their wealth and prayers with those in need.

  3. They never cease striving and supplicating, always seeking Allah’s guidance in every step of their lives.


One simple practice that can lead us to taqwa is increasing our istighfar (seeking forgiveness). The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said in a narration by Abu Dawud: "Whoever sincerely says istighfar three times, Allah will forgive their sins." This highlights that istighfar is not merely a verbal utterance but a genuine expression of self-awareness and repentance.

Additionally, praying for fellow believers without their knowledge is a highly rewarding deed. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever prays for their brother (or sister) in their absence, the angels will say: ‘And for you, the same.’” This means that when we sincerely pray for others, we receive the same blessings in return, as affirmed by the angels.

Ramadan is the perfect time to increase our prayers and efforts. Taqwa is not just about words—it must be reflected in our actions and habits. May we all embody the qualities of the dwellers of paradise by increasing istighfar, spreading kindness, and consistently striving and praying for Allah’s guidance. Ameen.

#KultumRamadan #Istighfar #Habit of Heaven's Residents #PrayerAndUsaha #RamadanBerkah