By: Dr. H. Muhammad Makki, M.Pd.

Ramadan is a month filled with blessings, where every good deed is rewarded manifold. One of the most highly encouraged acts during this month is giving charity (sadaqah). Numerous narrations highlight that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was the most generous of people, and during Ramadan, his generosity surpassed that of any other time. His companions followed his example, increasing their charitable acts in various forms.

However, charity is not limited to material wealth. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Your smile to your brother is charity.” This teaches us that every act of kindness—whether assisting others, offering a sincere smile, or spreading positivity—holds value in the sight of Allah. During this sacred month, let us cultivate a spirit of giving, whether through financial support, physical effort, or simple acts of goodness.

Another significant practice in Ramadan is i’tikaf, the act of secluding oneself in the mosque with the intention of worship. The Prophet (ﷺ) consistently performed i’tikaf during the last ten nights of Ramadan, demonstrating deep devotion and seeking closeness to Allah.


Scholars have differing views on the minimum duration required for i’tikaf to be valid. Some suggest that even a brief period spent in the mosque with sincere intention qualifies as i’tikaf. However, the longer one dedicates to worship, the greater the spiritual benefits.

Ideally, i’tikaf should be observed in a mosque where Friday prayers are held, ensuring that communal worship obligations are maintained. During this time, worshippers are encouraged to increase their devotion through recitation of the Qur’an, remembrance of Allah (dhikr), supplication, and reflection on life’s purpose.

Ramadan presents a golden opportunity to enhance our generosity and deepen our worship. Whether through charity or seeking solitude in the house of Allah, may we maximize the blessings of this sacred month and reap its abundant rewards. Ameen.

#KultumRamadan #Virtue of Charity #I'tikaf #RamadanBerkah #SharingKindness