Exhibition of Student Entrepreneurship Products for the Study Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education
adminfkip2023-12-15T09:25:10+00:00Friday, December 8, 2023 - the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, was enthusiastic and creative when Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program students held an exhibition of entrepreneurial products. This event is a tangible manifestation of the entrepreneurial spirit instilled in their curriculum under the guidance of two accompanying lecturers, Prof. Dr. Gito Hadiprayitno, M.Si, and Anindita Suliya Hangesti Mandra Kusuma, M.Pd. This exhibition is a vehicle for students to show the results of their work and innovation in entrepreneurship lectures. Anindita, one of the accompanying lecturers for the Entrepreneurship Course, enthusiastically opened the event [...]