12 03, 2025

Maintaining the Consistency of Piety after Ramadan


By: Prof. Dr. A. Wahab Jufri, M.Sc. Ramadan is a month of self-discipline, a time when a believer trains themselves to grow in piety and devotion to Allah. However, the true challenge is not how we worship during this blessed month, but how we sustain that level of faith and obedience in the eleven months that follow. A truly pious person shows continuous growth—both in their actions and their character. Ramadan should be the starting point for lasting positive change, not just an annual routine that fades away once the month ends. In QS. As-Saff verses 2-3, Allah says: "O [...]

Maintaining the Consistency of Piety after Ramadan2025-03-12T01:37:41+00:00
11 03, 2025

True Piety: Walking the Path of Righteousness in Ramadan


By Dr. Saharudin, M.A. Mataram - Alhamdulillah, we have reached the 10th day of Ramadan. With each step forward, we leave behind traces of goodness, hoping they will bear witness for us in the hereafter. Ramadan is not just about fasting from food and drink—it is Syahrul Qur’an, the month of the Qur’an, a time to draw closer to Allah’s divine words. Allah commands in Surah Ali Imran, verse 102: “O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and do not die except in a state of Islam.” When this verse was revealed, the Prophet ﷺ explained [...]

True Piety: Walking the Path of Righteousness in Ramadan2025-03-12T01:09:52+00:00
7 03, 2025

Hijrah in the Month of Ramadan: Becoming a Better Version of Ourselves


By: Dr. H. Amrullah, M.Pd. Mataram - Ramadan is more than just a time for fasting. It is a month of transformation, a time for hijrah—a journey of change that encourages us to move from a lesser state to a better one. In a religious talk on the 6th of Ramadan, 1446 H, at the FKIP University of Mataram musholla, Dr. H. Amrullah, M.Pd., invited the congregation to reflect on the true meaning of hijrah, especially in this blessed month. "Do people think that they will be left alone because they say, ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested?" (QS. [...]

Hijrah in the Month of Ramadan: Becoming a Better Version of Ourselves2025-03-10T01:01:03+00:00
7 03, 2025

Send-Off Ceremony for PLP and Independent MBKM Students at FKIP Unram: Preparing Future Professional Educators


Mataram, March 6, 2025 – The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at the University of Mataram has once again sent its students to participate in the School Field Introduction Program (PLP) and the Independent MBKM Teaching Assistance and Internship Program. A total of 338 students from various study programs were officially released in a ceremony held at the courtyard of Building A, FKIP Unram. Dr. Amrullah, S.Si., M.Si., Head of LPTPP FKIP Unram, reported that the program consists of three main activities: 260 students are joining the Teaching Assistance (AM) program, 46 students are undertaking independent internships, and [...]

Send-Off Ceremony for PLP and Independent MBKM Students at FKIP Unram: Preparing Future Professional Educators2025-03-09T05:19:08+00:00
6 03, 2025

Fadilah Ramadan: Fasting as a Path to Forgiveness and Perfection of Worship


by Dr. Muhammad Amin, S.Pd., M.TESOL. Ramadan is a blessed month, where every good deed is multiplied and the door to Allah's forgiveness is wide open. In one of his traditions, the Prophet said: "Whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan with full faith and expecting reward from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven." (HR. Bukhari & Muslim). This Hadith serves as a reminder that Ramadan fasting is not just about enduring hunger and thirst, but also a means of expiating sins for those who observe it with faith and sincerity. Ramadan is a moment for every Muslim to [...]

Fadilah Ramadan: Fasting as a Path to Forgiveness and Perfection of Worship2025-03-09T04:58:27+00:00
5 03, 2025

The Wisdom of Fasting: The Path to Piety and Gratitude


In a religious study delivered by the Dean of FKIP Universitas Mataram, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D., he emphasized that fasting has deep wisdom, namely increasing piety to Allah SWT. Fasting is not just about enduring hunger and thirst, but also training oneself to control lust and form a more patient and disciplined person. Furthermore, he explained that piety has many forms, one of which is abstaining from lust that can plunge humans into actions that are not pleasing to Allah. By fasting, a Muslim is taught to control himself, both in speech, deeds, and thoughts, so as to get [...]

The Wisdom of Fasting: The Path to Piety and Gratitude2025-03-09T04:53:18+00:00
4 03, 2025

FKIP Unram Held Independent PLP and MBKM Debriefing


Mataram - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of the University of Mataram again held a Debriefing of the School Field Introduction Program (PLP) and Independent MBKM for Teaching Assistance (AM) and Independent Internship activities for even semester students in the 2024/2025 academic year. The event took place on March 4, 2025 at the DOME Building of Mataram University and was attended by 338 students from various study programs at FKIP Unram. In a report submitted by the Head of LPTPP FKIP Unram, Dr. Amrullah, S.Si, M.Si., it was stated that 260 students will take part in Teaching [...]

FKIP Unram Held Independent PLP and MBKM Debriefing2025-03-09T04:13:21+00:00
4 03, 2025

Kultum Ramadan 1446 H: The Meaning of Gratitude in Life


Mataram - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Mataram began a series of daily seven-minute lectures (Kultum) which will be held every day after the Zuhur prayer at the FKIP' Musholla during the month of Ramadan. As an opening, the Kultum on 3 Ramadhan 1446 H was delivered by Prof. Drs. Mahyuni, M.A., Ph.D., who is also the Chairman of the Senate of FKIP Unram. In her presentation, Prof. Mahyuni emphasized that gratitude is the essence of worship and one of the main values in religious teachings. She invited all worshipers to reflect on the greatness [...]

Kultum Ramadan 1446 H: The Meaning of Gratitude in Life2025-03-09T04:01:10+00:00
25 02, 2025

Public Lecture of PGSD FKIP Unram: The Dynamics of Deep Learning for Quality Education


Mataram - The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) University of Mataram through the Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Program held a Public Lecture with the theme "The Dynamics of Deep Learning to Realize Quality Education in Elementary Schools" on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the 3rd Floor Hall of FKIP Unram. The event presented experienced resource persons, namely Dr. Wirman Kasmayadi, S.Pd., M.Si. (Head of the NTB Master Teacher Center), Dr. Erisda Eka Putra, S.Pd., M.Si. (Center for Curriculum and Learning), and Prof. Dr. Darmiany, M.Pd. (Professor / Lecturer PGSD FKIP University of Mataram), who discussed the [...]

Public Lecture of PGSD FKIP Unram: The Dynamics of Deep Learning for Quality Education2025-03-09T03:54:25+00:00
20 02, 2025

Get Ready! FKIP Unram opens cooperation opportunities with Kassel University


Mataram - Universitas Mataram (UNRAM) through the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), has officially established international cooperation with the University of Kassel, Germany, in a sustainable education project involving various academic institutions from Indonesia, Argentina, Canada, and South Africa. This collaboration aims to promote mutual empowerment among students, academics, and education administrators in the field of Education for Sustainable Development and educational transformation. The initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 13 (Climate Action), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Online Meeting and Participation of FKIP UNRAM and University of [...]

Get Ready! FKIP Unram opens cooperation opportunities with Kassel University2025-03-06T07:13:44+00:00
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