Agus Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Position: Lecturer
NIP: 198104242015041001
Categories: Dosen

Agus Saputra is a lecturer in the English Education department at Mataram University. He has been teaching at the university since 2015. Prior to that, he taught at Muhammadiyah University of Malang and worked as a teacher at SMAN 1 Pandaan.

Agus graduated from Surabaya State University in 2006 with a degree in English Literature. He also holds a master’s degree in English Language Education from Islamic University of Malang.

His research interests include English language education and tourism. Agus is also actively involved in community service such as mentoring teachers of SMPN 4 Mataram in learning mix towards IT-based schools and empowering Narmada Park management with English-integrated service. In his spare time, Agus enjoys listening to music, going to the beach, and reading. He also enjoys taking pictures of nature and landscapes.

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