Prof. Dr. Arifuddin, M.Pd.
Arifuddin is a Professor in English language education in the English language Department University of Mataram Indonesia. He completed his doctor’s degree in Language and Literature Education from the State University of Surabaya Indonesia. His research interest includes Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, TEFL and ESP. He has taught Psycholinguistics, Pragmatics and Semantics, Language Assessment and Statistics. A plenty of his research have been sponsored by the Higher Education of Indonesia. His articles have been published by internationally reputable journal, SCOPUS-indexed journals, namely, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education (JHTE), ASIAN EFL Journal, Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, and Theory and Practice in Language Studies; and some international proceedings. Other publications have also been published in both national and local journals. He actively participates in international seminars. He is a reviewer of JTHE and other international journals, and he is one of the judges of MELTA of Malaysia. Besides, text books and references books have been used as the primary sources of the higher educations in Indonesia. (e-mail: [email protected]).