Mataram, March 8, 2024 – The Research and Community Service Development Agency (BP3MF) of FKIP Unram held a workshop on preparing research and community service proposals funded by the DRTPM Directorate of Research and Community Service. The Chairman of BP3MF FKIP Unram, Dr. Hikmawati, M.Pd., is committed to enhancing the quality and quantity of research and community service proposals submitted this year. “We hope that with this workshop, not only the quantity but also the quality of the proposed proposals can improve,” she said.
Held at the Aula Gedung A, 3rd Floor FKIP, the workshop activities were also conducted through a blended approach via Zoom Meeting video conference on Friday (8/3). The event was attended by lecturers and graduate students of FKIP Unram and opened by the Dean of FKIP, Drs. Lalu Zulkifli, M.Si., Ph.D. In his speech, he hoped that the participants could seriously participate in the workshop activities so that the number of proposals funded by the DRTPM Directorate of Research and Community Service this year could exceed last year’s.
The core activity of the workshop began with a presentation by Prof. Ir. Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, S.Kom., M.Kom., IPM., ASEAN.Eng. An Undiksha lecturer delivered a Research Proposal Preparation presentation via Zoom Meeting. After the first session, FKIP Unram lecturer, Prof. Dr. Aliefman Hakim, S.Si., M.Si., continued presenting on the Preparation of Community Service Proposals.

In addition to the presentation of materials and discussions, the workshop also scheduled a session for proposal review and discussion, which included three direct speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Abdul Syukur, M.Si., Prof. Dra. Susilawati, M.Si., Ph.D., and Prof. Drs. Kamaludin, M.A. Ph.D. The three speakers presented the results of the review of several proposals belonging to FKIP Unram lecturers. Furthermore, until the end of the afternoon session, participants enthusiastically asked questions regarding the review results presented.(lin)
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